
Canon Timeline #

ADD = After the Death of Drang

823 ADD = Yuntali Empire was formed by the Mother and Father.

1040 ADD = The Mother plans to expand her empire by using powerful successors to rule under her name.

1042 ADD = Meirkien and Hordoe are created and the Devourer starts eating away at the Mother.

1043 ADD = After being examined, Meirkien had a corrupt soul, and Hordoe had a complete soul.

1044 ADD = The Father tried to “cure” Meirkien, by using Hordoe. The plan failed, brutally transforming each individual, and creating Nit in the process. It also caused the Mother’s body to start eating away at itself, which was in fact Knyite. The Father was exiled due to what he had done.

1047 ADD = The Father starts communicating to Hordoe in secret, planning to turn him against his Mother.

1049 ADD = Meirkien finds out about Hordoe’s communications with the Father, but doesn’t tell the Mother due to Nit’s advisance, suggesting it would break the empire apart.

1050 ADD = Knyite is separated from the Mother, with help from Hordoe. The Devourer then starts to consume Yuntali, but is stopped by Ganza, when he uses the Realm of the Gods to throw Knyite far away.

1050-1138 ADD = The Knyite claimed her title as the Devourer, by consuming countless systems, by absorbing the star in each, until Hordoe intervenes.

1050-1073 ADD = Hordoe and Meirkien grow up, with Meirkien developing like the Mother, and Hordoe like the Father. The Yuntali Empire is less empire-like, due to the Mother’s weakened state letting her see things differently.

1073 ADD = Hordoe throws Meirkien away, like Ganza did with Knyite, from influence by the Father. He sees Meirkien as a failure, and an obstacle in his plans.

1076 ADD = Trying to return, Meirkien stumbles across Xerkas, which manipulates him into believing the Father is trying to overthrow the Mother.

1080 ADD = Meirkien comes across the planet Almata, where Messoraz is. They originally fight, but come to agree with each other’s views, and become allies, with Meirkien promising Messoraz plenty of death if he comes with him.

1082 ADD = Meirkien returns to Yuntali, and tells his Mother the Father’s plans with Hordoe. The Mother doesn’t believe him at first ,but comes to find out he was right. The Mother orders the death of Hordoe.

1083 ADD = The Mother and Meirkien kill Hordoe, although the Father takes his soul. Nit convinces Hordoe to be resurrected, and that everyone stops fighting as it’s pointless. Agreeing with Nit, the Mother orders all conflicts between them all to be stopped and offers a treaty, with the Father ruling beside her, as an advisor. This treaty also gave Hordoe and Meirkien their own planetary systems, far enough away for no conflict. Everyone agrees to it.

Yuntali would now be a middle ground between the factions, trying not to directly clash against the other side, but to help both sides. Nit also was given a system, to build a link between the 2 factions.

1083-1136 ADD = All sides build themselves up, with the Yuntali empire being known as just Yuntali now. Meirkien’s system is a chaotic hell, with Messoraz constantly resurrecting the dead. Meirkien took a very strong creature as his own daughter. This was Empra. Meirkien and Messoraz also got very close.

Hordoe on the other hand is much different, bringing eternal life and prosperity to all those who were born within his system. He also found his wife, Vekna, and had children. These children were twins, named Quimby and Fuimby.

Nit’s kingdom was no kingdom, but more of a meeting ground between the 2, acting as a bridge, connecting both sides together.

1136 ADD = Meirkien plotted for Empra to kill Quimby and Fuimby, due to Meirkien’s belief that Hordoe got away with everything he did, and feels he should be in pain. Empra was to act discreetly, but as a legendary creature only in myths, to appeal to the children.

1137 ADD = In a year Meirkien was able to spread rumor in Hordoe’s kingdom about Empra, and that she “brings good luck to all who see her”. This made Empra able to kill Fuimby, but not Quimby. She returned to Meirkien anyway, due to the situation.

Messoraz tried to resurrect Fuimby, to fix the situation, but Empra didn’t carry his soul correctly, and it changed Fuimby. Quimby also followed Empra back, planning to get back his brother. Quimby agreed to stay if it meant to take care of Fuimby.

Hordoe found out and planned for revenge.

1138 ADD = Hordoe, allowed by the Father, led Knyite to Meirkien, and tried to consume Meirkien’s system. Meirkien and Knyite fought each other alone, and in turn consumed his dead chaos heart. Hordoe fled, seeing Meirkien was about to die by Knyite, but Meirkien got the upper hand.

1140 ADD = As retaliation, Meirkien collects an army of monsters from his wasteland and destroys Hordoe’s entire kingdom within a week, killing a lot of said monsters in the process. Any surviving citizens of Hordoe’s kingdom were driven to madness from the bloodshed, one of which was Vekna. Meirkien killed Vekna in this state, and took her soul. Seeing he has little left, he flees to a system closer to Nit, possibly for safety against Hordoe, with Messoraz and the creatures he has remaining.

Hordoe, heartbroken, goes after Meirkien, hoping to kill him once and for all.

1140-1146 ADD = Hordoe, Meirkien and Messoraz fight. They all get weaker due to the constant fighting and fleeing, and eventually Meirkien has to rest to recover. He does this on Earth, and Messoraz builds up CoD around him in order to keep him safe from Hordoe. When he recovers, Meirkien will lead his cult and kill Hordoe.

Hordoe, having arrived at the planet, did the same as Messoraz, but created SoR in order to recover safely.

As each faction built up, their conflicts became more vital and bloody, which leads to current time.

All at the same time, Nit is trying to find the two gods to try to resolve this conflict.

Old/Outdated Timeline #

BBA= Before the Battle of Azthaliya
ABA= After the Battle of Azthaliya

104,507 BBA- The Mother gives birth to two children. Meirkien, and Hordoe.

97,634 BBA- Meirkien destroys the world of Nifthalia in the Battle of Nifthalia

84,239 BBA- Meirkien creates the First World Empire, his own kingdom within the Yuntali System

43,728 BBA- Hordoe creates his own System, the Pofne System. This is where he lays dominion

42,894 BBA- The Mother gives birth to the Daughter

41,628 BBA- The Daughter grows hungry, and devours 7892 systems within the Galaxy, deeming her “The Devourer

35,279 BBA- Meirkien returns to his origin system, only to see it has been Devoured and turned into a black hole. Enraged, Meirkien confronts his sister on the planet of Ghuya in the Vetruvix system. The battle of Ghuya ensues.

29,836 BBA- The battle of Ghuya ends, the entire system of Ventruvix battered and destroyed, when the forces of the Daughter are destroyed, she flees to an uncharted system unknown to Meirkien.

15,234 BBA- Hordoe and Vekna give birth to Fuimby and Quimby, in the Pofne System

14,827 BBA- Meirkien and Messoraz create Empra and Nit

13,428 BBA- The Devourer gives birth to Reparnea and Senophis

12,947 BBA- Meirkien, while absorbing the Lyaxt system, hears a far off cry from an uncharted system. Curious, he travels to this uncharted system, hungry for new souls to eat.

12,899 BBA- Meirkien arrives at the uncharted system, which we later learn is the Muntiaf system, to discover the origin of the cry. An enlarged goddess, which we learn is actually Xerkas, the goddess of fear, trapped herself in a soul nexus while attempting to absorb the Muntiaf system. While sensing the power of Meirkien, she channels all of her strength into bringing his fears to fruition. Meirkien’s only fear, however, is that he would lose all empathy and become the horror that was created to be. Meirkien’s body is transformed to his true, three-jawed self, and he loses any and all empathy he has for humanity. This sparks the chain of events that we know as the Battle of Azthaliya.

1 AAB- The Battle of Azthaliya is finished, Hordoe’s beloved system and his partnered goddess being obliterated by Meirkien’s wrath.

87 AAB- Meirkien, recovered from his massacrist spree, retreats to the forest of the world Untal, in the Votyan system. Weak from the previous battle, Meirkien lays down in a cave so that he can rest. Little does he know, however, that the Devourer is nearby.

5796 AAB- Meirkien awakes from his slumber, only to be startled to notice that he is not where he laid down. He is inside a massive castle, with statues and paintings detailing the life of Meirkien and the atrocities he has committed. His partner, Messoraz, is also nearby. How did Messoraz get here? It has only been a few hours since he laid down. Messoraz informs Meirkien that the Devourer stole Meirkien’s Chaos Heart, binding him to this world. The inhabitants of this world found Meirkien, and decided that he must be their god. They built this castle to protect him, as well as to worship him. However, not all is as it appears, as Meirkien can sense an entity nearby that he is in no position to fight. Hordoe.

Credit #

Current Timeline written by

Frightlightblob & Airashiyo

1 thought on “Timeline”

  1. The scrapped timeline may have been made up, but I merely think the Esoterics have made a big misconception with the gospel. It may have been one wrong look, or a false prophet’s work, yet the true story has now been viewed, ready for the rest to be told…

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