
About #

Meirkien is one of the Mother’s children and the Dead Chaos God.

Appearance #

Meirkien has a body similar to a deer, having two huge brown bat wings, he has three heads in the shape of deer skulls, the primary head having bright red eyes and large horns with cavities similar to the eyes of red pupils.

in his chest, there is a huge cavity that makes his ribs always exposed, instead of his legs, he has tentacles in the shape of green vines placed like a veil.

Behavior #

Very little is known about Meirkien’s behavior, supposedly, he has a strong, cold and irritable temperament.

Backstory (Outdated) #

A very long time ago, great empires had sprung forth from various life forms across space. The largest and most prosperous of these empires was led by The Mother, the ruler of the universe at that time alongside The Father. While leading her divine legion, she’d been carrying two children, who grew slowly over time and fed off of the nutrients she consumed. Finally, after almost a year of carrying the children, they were grown enough to leave The Mother’s womb and be brought into the world.

Upon seeing her new children, The Mother named one of them Hordoe, for the blossoming foliage found on many planets across her empire. The Mother named the other Meirkien, with little thought to its meaning of belated glory. The children grew up in the palace together, learning combat, diplomacy, and a multitude of other skills over their childhood. The biggest thing they learned as they grew was, indirectly, that they hated each other. Hordoe was fond of nature, trees and forests, while Meirkien held no interest in foliage or critters.

Their rivalry grew every day, and eventually, they were old enough to begin their own kingdoms within the empire. They both set their eyes on Nifthalia, a lush planet with bodies of water and plentiful creatures. Hordoe was interested in befriending the animals, but Meirkien only wanted to sap the planet of its resources and leave it to rot. They both refused to back down, so armed with armies still in infancy, they battled for control of the planet.

However, even at the young age of 6,873, Meirkien had a plan. He sent one half of his army to attack Hordoe’s forces and the other half to collect the salvageable resources left behind by the destruction. When the battle had almost finished, Hordoe looked at the floating rock around him, and understood what Meirkien had actually intended. The beautiful creatures Hordoe had been inspired to protect were gone, and he vowed to never again let an innocent being die at his hand. In a blind rage, he struck the ground with such force that it scattered the fragments of Nifthalia far across space, dispersing Meirkien’s salvaging team so they could collect nothing.

The Mother deemed Hordoe the victor, and began teaching him how to run a legion. Meirkien was sent to a new planet, far from the central palace and uninhabited. Refusing to let his mother neglect him, he worked with members of his mother’s court, and created his own kingdom within the Yuntali system, 13,395 years later. Hordoe, desperate to be publicly deemed the favorite child by his mother, created the Pofne system. Although the system was victim to his tyrannically unpolished leadership, it grew large and prosperous.

In 42,894 BBA2Before the battle of Azathaliya, The Mother gave birth to a third deity, The Daughter. The Daughter was nothing like her siblings, and grew quickly, powerful enough to destroy and consume entire systems. The Mother didn’t care to stop The Daughter as long as her destruction remained out of the public’s eyes, who deemed her The Devourer after she consumed her 7,892th system. When Meirkien returned from his reformations in the Yuntali system, however, he found that his new sister had consumed Meirkien’s first system, Orbltan. Infuriated, he confronted his sister on the planet of Ghuya in the nearby Vetruvix system. The battle only lasted until Meirkien realized his sister’s weakness; Light. Overpowering her using a cluster of stars he’d relocated, the battle of Ghuya ended, and The Daughter retreated to an abandoned system.

While Meirkien had been in the Yuntali system, his brother Hordoe had met Vekna and began a family in the Pofne system. Meirkien was infuriated, and began a plot to make Hordoe regret ever treating Meirkien without kindness. Years later, when Quimby and Fuimby had grew, Vekna took them to a nearby system while Hordoe went onward to build a second system. Meirkien, realizing this was the chance he’d been waiting for, sabotaged Hordoe’s travel and stole his brother’s voice. A mute dictator could do nothing in the eyes of the public, and his system was in chaos as he returned to rumors of Hordoe being unfit to rule.

The Mother was furious with him, and suspended Meirkien from his position in the court. He fled to Earth, where he met and romantically bonded with Messoraz. Meirkien convinced Messoraz to leave earth with him, where they created Empra and Nit in 14,827 BBA3Before the battle of Azathaliya. Meirkien continued building his system while Messoraz explored Earth, searching for his purpose. 2000 years later, in 12,947 BBA4Before the battle of Azathaliya, Meirkien hears a far off cry from an uncharted system. Leaving his children with The Mother, he begins travelling to the system. Arriving in 12,899 BBA5Before the battle of Azathaliya, he finds the source of the cry in what we later learn to be the Muntiaf system.

He is met with Xerkas, who is enlarged and trapped in a Soul Nexus after attempting to absorb the abandoned Muntaif system. Xerkas sensed Meirkien’s power, and knowing he would surely defeat her; she used her powers to bring his greatest fears to reality. Meirkien, an immortal being, had very little fear of the world around him and was unfazed. Then, Xerkas found his deepest, truest fear: Losing his empathy and becoming the monster he was built to be. Before attempting to flee, Xerkas brought Meirkien’s fears to light, transforming him into a terrible beast.

His skull split into three, sprouting more horns as his eyes began to glow ominously. He felt his more mortal sympathies dissolving, the monster he’d feared himself to be breaking through his carefully crafted layers of self-worth. With how little he knew about Xerkas, his thoughts and rivalry with Hordoe overtook his mind. In his rage, Meirkien decided Hordoe has caused this loss of humanity and sought out his system to destroy it.

Meirkien retrieved his forces from his kingdom, who followed without question as they were led to Hordoe’s system. They began to destroy every kingdom, castle, village and forest, planting explosives and setting fires. Minimal treasures were stolen, but Meirkien had no desire to pillage. His only motive as the carnage began was to make his brother regret ever opposing Meirkien. Entering Hordoe’s castle, he found Vekna, sleeping peacefully on her throne, and quietly ended her life before continuing to destroy everything Hordoe had worked for.

Hordoe had been travelling to Meirkien’s kingdom with his sons, to deliver gifts and propose an alliance, but the kingdom was desolate, as if drifting through the stars in its own timeline. The few remaining followers of Meirkien informed Hordoe that his brother had travelled to the Pofne system earlier that week. For 3 days, Hordoe traveled home, assuming Meirkien had heard about the proposed alliance. For 3 days, Meirkien continued to destroy Pofne, leaving no civilian or structure standing.

Meirkien collected his forces and left the now barren ecosystem. He grinned, remembering the vast cities Pofne had held before it, all reduced to rubble, and returned home using a hidden route. Hordoe arrived, shocked and confused as to what had happened. The coordinates were correct, and the ship had arrived, but this was not his realm. Surveying the area, he recognized Vekna’s throne, drifting off in the new lack of gravity. Gliding towards it, he recognized his partner, and cried in anguish.

Meirkien, recovering from his terrible fit of rage, pondered returning home. Realizing his mother, who’d always favored Hordoe, wouldn’t take his side, Meirkien sent a message to Messoraz and his children that he was hiding on Vuntal, in a deep forest inside the mostly abandoned Votyan system. In his slumber, Messoraz, Nit and Empra travel to the origin of the message with the remainder of Meirkien’s forces. Sensing the Devourer nearby, Messoraz sent the strongest of Meirkien’s followers to Earth, where they disguised themselves as humans and built a great kingdom for Meirikien. When it was finished, Meirkien was brought to his new home by his partner and children.

Years later, in 5796 ABA6After the battle of Azathaliya, Meirkien awoke. He found himself deep in the protective walls of the castle, where the descendants and few members of his council worked hard to maintain the image of their god. Thousands of years full of planning for their lord’s return had paid off. As he rose from his slumber and explored his temple, he was impressed with the teamwork and intelligence of his very own Church. After a long day of meeting his new council and most loyal disciples, he noticed a dark energy that was all too familiar. In his years of slumber, Hordoe had recovered and began to travel. Developing advanced technology along the way, his journey only shortened with every stop across the galaxy.

Knowing he was in no position to fight his brother, especially while Meirkien was without his godly Chaos Heart, The God of Dead Chaos resolved to fortify his new kingdom as much as possible for Hordoe’s arrival.

Legends #

Credit #

Backstory Credit to


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