Realms of the Gods

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The worlds beyond our plane of existence cannot truly be put into words by the human mind. It would take a unique understanding of the gods who command these realms to comprehend what lies beyond our universe. Thankfully, I have been granted this understanding, as have my Esoteric brothers and sisters. We have concluded that each realm reflects the nature of the gods themselves.

Before we get into the realms of the gods, we must first understand what separates them from each other: the Void. The Void is an infinite expanse of nothingness that separates each plane of existence from one another. If one wishes to visit the realms of the gods, one must first traverse the Void. It is easy to get lost and never return to our plane, let alone any plane. Only Senophis, the Wandering God, can point one in the right direction. Since the Great Wanderer has spent so much time in the Void before he came to our plane of existence, he knows it like the back of his tall, lanky limbs. There are shortcuts through ritual conjuration in which one can instantly transport themselves to one of the realms of the gods through a portal. However, this is an extremely dangerous process and requires difficult levels of power and concentration. One small misstep and you could find yourself stuck in the Void for eternity.

Meirkien’s realm is known as Dilon’gol, or Deadlands in the human tongue. It is a land of chaos. An ever-shifting landscape wrought with storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, and ever-changing laws of physics. In some parts, it is extremely cold, while in others it is extremely hot. It is a barren wasteland that no human could survive in, with a blood-red sun that hangs in its sky. The followers of Meirkien see this place not as hell, but as a holy and sacred place. Upon death, the souls of the devoted followers of Meirkien are shepherded to this afterlife. There, they are given new flesh as mutated monsters too terrifying to even put into words. They become the Spawn of Meirkien, so that they may serve in death as they did in life. Upon having his Chaos Heart stolen, Meirkien has been unable to leave Earth, barring him from his realm. However, he still maintains a psychic connection with it, so that he may command his Spawn wherever he may be.

Where Meirkien’s realm is a realm of chaos, Hordoe’s realm is quite the opposite. Alun’feykro, or Everglade in the human tongue, is a land of infinite forests and sprawling gardens. Its landscape is lush and green, filled with the wildlife of the forest. It even has its very own day-night cycle in which the stars shine brighter than they ever would on Earth. For the followers of Hordoe, this is their paradise and spiritual home. Upon death, their souls are shepherded here to remain for eternity. In exchange for this reward of paradise, they have to tend to the forest to make sure it never wilts away or dies. The souls of his followers are given new flesh, as half tree-half human hybrids. The mutation depends on their faith and devotion. Some may have twigs sticking out of their backs, while others may have an entire arm transformed into a tree branch which will function excellently. These creatures are known as The Children of Hordoe. On rare occasions, the most devoted followers of Hordoe are remade in the image of Hordoe himself. They are giants amongst the Children, reaching up to fourteen feet tall. Their flesh is completely composed of bark, and they are tree-like in the sense that they grow constantly. These creatures are known as Shepherds of Hordoe.

Empra doesn’t have a specific realm. Rather, she has many pocket realms scattered across the Void in which she can take refuge. They are known as the Illuminara. These pockets are usually composed of pure light, which sometimes appear as large pockets of stars or supernovas. This makes it slightly easier for travelers to navigate the Void, as they can plot their course using the pocket realms as sailors once did in ages long past. Upon trying to enter one of these pocket realms, one will find themselves being blinded by pure light. Only the followers of Empra have been able to enter without being forever unable to see. The Clergy of Empra (unrelated to the past division) within the Church of Decay have described it as a paradise, but not in the sense of lush gardens and green fields. Rather, it is akin to a great flame in which the souls of her followers mingle together, providing a light to those who would need it when traveling through the Void.

The realm of Xerkas is a place of overwhelming sounds, smells, misdirection, and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. It is known as Labyrinthian. The souls who are trapped there don’t even realize that they are trapped. Those who are taken to Labyrinthian upon their death are the most insane of mortals. Xerkas will snatch them up for herself and strand them in her realm to suffer. This group is then left to wander in various states of madness, unaware of Xerkas consuming their essences for her own gain.

Nit, one of the more reserved gods, does not seek to publicize his realm. However, the most dedicated explorers have managed to enter and describe it as a dead forest in which Nit wanders for eternity. The realm remains in a state of sunless dusk and is difficult to see for those adapted to the darkness. If one tries to approach Nit, he will immediately bolt back into the forest, never to be seen again by the one who tried to approach him.

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