April 25th, 2022 Newsletter

Group News

~ With the retirement of Mazoku_Hoarse from Damned 1iC, JAKESTEN610 (HHN Screams#3579) was promoted to 1iC. Congratulations!
~ The Gathering was given a touch-up and some quality of life changes. Esoterics also have a new model implemented for the Sacrificial Dagger!

~ Voiceless has gotten their divisional weapon, a chain blade named the Kusarigama, and is currently given to their SHRs. However, they have plans to release it to MR+. If you’re interested, make sure to apply to Voiceless once the apps are out!
~ Cryptic and their sub-division, Insightful, have appointed new HRs to their ranks. Please congratulate Guest10_9876543210 on 4iC of Insightful and johntheevilgamer1234 on 4iC of Cryptic!

~ Despite calls to remove Joli from the Sect as well as execute him in real life, he has continued to disappoint all of us in his decisions towards Martyr and SoR. In some feeble attempt of doubling down and self-pity, he has given Martyr SHRs a Megumin dakimakura in order to properly cope with their sad excuse of a leader. Public opinion remains resolute in their decision to eliminate Joli from this plane of existence. Once again, if you wish to express your discontent or laugh at Joli, please contact them at the discord tag Joli#0516.

~ Lifeless will be involving baking in their tasks.
~ Ethereal will be repurposed to focus more on magic.

Significant Events

Oracle Coronation
~ Please congratulate EsmerayPierot (☽ Esmeray ☾#9286) on her promotion to Oracle!!

Here we have our three nominees waiting at The Coronation to find out who will be picked as the next Oracle. JAKESTEN610 on the left, EsmerayPierrot in the middle, CrescentDwagon on the right.

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