May 8th, 2023 Newsletter

Group News

~ Within the house of torment and retribution, Wretched’s subdivision, Vanguard, has elevated a couple to third-in-command. Please congratulate Hijacked_Shiny (NoRe#9462) and EggArgus (Commander Egg#8588) on this esteemed promotion. Furthermore, the House of the Wretched have been given a new fresh look of their Royal Great sword
~ The ever so swiftly members of the House of the Obscure, have reverted back to their legacy robes formerly dawned by the House of the Bailiffs in its early stages. A clean white look depicts their members’ clean slate within the community and upholds their word.

~ Curative is proud to announce 2 very special promotions to HR.
Ali_araa (.Ali#8579) has shown themself worthy of being Chief Surgeon (HR), and happybird5555 (mantiswhatt#1421) has exceeded above and beyond to reach Medical Director (4ic). Please congratulate both of these individuals for making it beyond what most strive for!

~ The Sect of Resonance is facing a huge revamp which is in the works, one of the major motions is the rank reforms. To help these reforms, they’ve promoted Desolated (#0001) and JoliOliRavioli (Joli#7102) to Synod.
~ Additional information regarding the rank reforms, it is discussed that there will be additional HR ranks within the hierarchy with Vindicators being the overseer of the HRT. Rank requirements will be altered to fit the rank’s ideal position and responsibilities. Subsequently, it was also discussed that there will be a whole new High-Rank Evaluation System [HiRES]. However, further details regarding this will be kept classified as of now for when the time is right.

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