February 7th, 2022 Newsletter

Group News

~ There will be a joint valentines day ball between all 3 factions! If you are benighted+/ Sonorant+, DM Spooktricalz#0001 if you wish to help build.

~ Obscure has appointed four new HRs to their team. Please congratulate ColourChroma (Rodrick#8252), Azathaliya (Azathaliya#6202), BreezyAkuma (Breezy#0002), and Zarxese (Zarxese#7037) on Potentas!

~ Esoteric’s fat prophet has enlightened us on their diet, stating “i ate an apple tho, apples are good”. He advises all of you to eat healthy and take care of yourselves!

~ Damned has updated their Erudite system, putting Erudites to work by mentoring Damned.

~ Martyr has appointed two members to 3iC. Please congratulate Fevrius (Fev#6274) and Xyran0 (X̷y̷ran#0999)!

~ Ethereal has been hard at work reforming their ranks and ranking systems. They have also promoted another member to Celestial. Please congratulate DelawareFrost445 (Del#9007) on 4iC!

Development News

~ Our modeler, Alvonotte, spoke to our journalists about their struggles, stating “pain, suffering and broken rigs”. We wish him good luck.

~ Autoless, our UI designer, has finished a temporary button for FoA! Keep in mind that FoA is still unreleased.

~ Two new buildings have been placed in the church: a barricade near the old Academy and a new area within the jail. The details are a surprise as of now, so keep your eye on dev updates!

~ There is a new exit to the CoD spawn! If you go up the spawn stairs, it should be directly in front of you.

Art of the Week

The piece of art we selected this week is by Falunyx (Falunyx#6969)!

2 thoughts on “February 7th, 2022 Newsletter”

  1. The Anonymous Commenter

    Glad to see the FoA getting closer to being in action!
    -The Anonymous Commenter

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